You’re about to sign up and revolutionise how the world looks at teatime !
All you have to do is:
Upload a christmas themed video or take a picture of an original, 21st Century: Iced Tea, Tea Mocktails or Cocktail, TeaInspired Food, or Tea & Food Pairing you’ve created yourself using at least 1 Dilmah tea. Your creation should be relevant to the culture and tradition of where you’re from.
Add the recipe, rationale and personal story behind your creation with the relevant time of the day (morning, afternoon or evening). Your rationale should be based on usage / combination of teas behind your creation while clearly showcasing a Tea Inspired Christmas theme in the Morning, Afternoon or Evening. Personal perspectives, stories and experiences in tea could enhance the attractiveness of your entry.
Share your entry on social media with the hashtags #Dilmah #teainspired #AlwaysTeatimeChristmas