CEO of Dilmah Tea & Director, Dilmah School of Tea
Black Hat Chef, Australia
Dilmah Mixologist, The Netherlands
The Rationales Behind Your Dessert Tea Inspiration
20 points
Tell us what inspired you with the story behind your tea inspiration.
Section A: Tea as a Dessert on its Own
20 points
Provide a rationale that describes why you picked the dessert tea. Make sure to include a story that brings out how you were inspired and what’s in store for others who drink the cuppa chosen by you.
Section B / C: Tea & Dessert Pairing / Tea-Infused Dessert
20 points
Provide a rationale focusing on the ingredients used in your recipe. Address how it brings out the flavours of the dessert, while respecting the tea.
Personal aspect
10 Points
Make sure to add a personal element in your story to enhance the tea inspired dessert experience for the judges. A personal element could involve a family tradition or something else that makes your serving a unique dessert and tea experience.
Overall Presentation / Creativity
30 Points
The creative and effective use of tea and ingredients in the competition